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avniz aggarwal   21 November 2018

false 498A

dear sir in fir my wife mentioned that 3.5 lakh spended in dinner of barat where no barat happened and just 10 family member are present.
in FIR he mentioned clearly that they gave us 5.51 lakhs on demanding dowry.can I want to file complaint against them because giving dowry is also a punishable offense.
ek line or likhi mere nupte se ek purta paida hua.please tell me word nupte meaning.

 2 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     22 November 2018

Onus to prove charges of taking dowry and all other offences is on the prosecution in criminal cases, if the wife alleges of these she has to give evidence to prove these charges, as accused you just have to refute these charges and show the number of baratis who attended your wedding, nothing more, if wife side spent amount alleged by them in wedding, they have to show and prove it too in the court, it's always easy to allege but difficult to prove therefore most such charges and cases fail and accused get acquitted.

Mota Bhai Louda   22 November 2018

You yourself decided that it is fake 498a.  Court and judges aer fools to sit and decide case?  Better to give money and settle matter. Even judges do that.

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