I have my counselling completed lat year. As the counsellors have referred the case back to court , I need to appear again infront of the Judge.I am the one who has filed for divorce ( Seperated for 4 years). Wife appeared for all counselling and counsellors asked her to agree mutually as the marriage wont work. She is willing however her lawyer is wanting settlement which I dont want to give in to.
Given this situation can any one suggest what will the judge say when I appear before him. Will there be a movie or serial type cross exampination now . Should I get some evidence for this? Or as usual as I have seen in court .. judge will just as us to come back after a month ? Can I be allowed to talk ? How long Judge will hear befor he gives the verdict
The new Hindu Marriage act - amendment that is due to be tabled in parliamnet next month be of any help ?