I had a joint saving account my my father in WEST BENGAL, India. After my father died (in 2015) I was operating the account. I also opened few FD's (amount of 6 7 lacs) in my father's name because there was no option to select my name while opening those FD's through internet banking. Also there was no option to put nominees name through internet banking.
Now bank knows that my father has died and are asking for succession certificate in 2017. Understanding that getting a succession certificate is very expensive is there any alternative to deal this situation. Few considerable points are:
1. Ther is no Letter of Administartion or WILL available.
2. These FDs also include a loan account which I have to pay(I am willing to clear the remaining amount)
3. I have legal heir certificate with me. Can I produce FAMILY TREE CERTIFICATE in replacement of SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE.
4. These FD's have no nominee registered. And I created these FD's after my father's death.
Please advice if FAMILY TREE will sufice this situation in replacement of SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE. If you experts have any other suggestions of advice, please let me know.
Appreciate your response