Filing of FIR by a Company
If a Company desires to file a FIR in case of a criminal wrong against it, is there a need for a resolution authorizing someone from the company or any Director of the Company can do so?
ashok kumar (Social Worker) 15 September 2013
Filing of FIR by a Company
If a Company desires to file a FIR in case of a criminal wrong against it, is there a need for a resolution authorizing someone from the company or any Director of the Company can do so?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 15 September 2013
you are lucky getting dual benefit many person do not get even a single one. Complaint to EPFO is of no consequence as long as their dues are deposited.
There is no provision for transfer or amalgamation of either of the funds and you are being fooled.
You have not stated :-
How much percentage of pay is being contributed in EPFO?
whether it is being deposited in EPFO, honestly and diligently?