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Nikhil SHETTY   12 February 2021

gift deed or sale deed?

My grandmother as small building she want to transfer Her property to my name, which is the safest form gift deed or sale deed? which should be difficult to challenge in a court

 4 Replies

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     12 February 2021


Execute gift deed from your grandmother to your name. You will have to pay less stamp duty and registration charges on gift deed. 

Nikhil SHETTY   12 February 2021

is gift deed safer than sale deed?

Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     12 February 2021

Yes, gift deed is best option for both of you also stamp duty and registration charges are less than sale deed. In sale transaction you have to pay sale consideration to your grand mother and she has to either invest the sale consideration ( money ) to purchase another property or to pay income tax on it so gift deed is better option.

Nikhil SHETTY   12 February 2021

Thanks for your time and reply sir

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