Hi All,
I have filed divorce case around 8 months ago. I appeared six times inside court. I gave application to court serve notice by hand to respondent and I have taken that notice. Respondent denied to taking notice by hand. So I have sent notice by registered post two times with details of hearing on behalf of Court. I have taken report of notice delivered two times to respondents from post office. I submitted application with details of notice served by registered post. But magistrate still told us that we will not give ex parte until received report from BAILIFF. Please let me know what process of notice served to respondent through BALIFF. Respondent is staying different city. What action I will take against BAILIFF?.
Can we file case against BAILIFF or show cause notice to delay in delivery of SUMMONS? When I asked my advocate about it. He told me that give 5000/- to any BAILIFF. He will give report immediately. I don’t want to go by wrong way. Please let me know what I can do against BAILIFF. Is it possible that we can file show cause notice against BAILIFF and suspend him?. Please explain me process of BAILIFF to serve notice and how we can catch such b*st*rds who didn’t served notice for small amount. Please let me know process to punish such Bastards.
Also please let me know steps against BAILIFF which I can take to punish him. I asked my advocate to check BAILIFF. But he told me that BAILIFFs are from court. So we can't do against them from such delay in delivery. I really confused about my advocate oponion also.
Please help whether my advocate is correct or wrong. May i switch advocate who is giving incorrect suggestions?..