I had a love marriage in 2011and due to internal conflicts and fights among myself spouse and my side family I had filed nullification of marriage case against my wife in 2012.
Case went for counseling where we both kind of sorted out our problems with discussion mostly outside court and shifted back together. Our lawyers were not involved in our sorting out things part. We never went back for any case hearing nor we contacted our lawyers nor they contacted us.
Officially I don't know if the case is counted open or will be considered closed as we both and our lawyers never went for hearing after 2013 year. Case was never taken to judge level in front of us, it was till counseling level.
We both are happy together and living a peaceful life.
1. I want to know if the case will be still open or it will be closed.
2. If it's open I want to get it closed.
I don't remember the case number as I destroyed all papers when they were no more needed.
Please help me on above two points. If it's closed then I don't think we need to do anything
Thanks in advance