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Praveen (Software Engineer)     14 July 2014

Hier deed


My father died 1 year back in Bangalore, leaving some land properties.

I have now my mother, one sister and one brother, Now I want to make the family tree.

What is procedure and  Is any one help doing so in Bangalore.





 5 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     15 July 2014

You make a family genealogical tree, get it notarised and with a copy of it, apply for legal heirship certificate from the Tahsildar/Revenue department in your jurisdiction at Bangalore.  For transfer of name in the records, a genealogical tree certificate duly notarised will be sufficient to apply for the same in the concerned departments.

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Biswanath Roy (Advocate)     16 July 2014


Praveen (Software Engineer)     16 July 2014

Thanks Mr Kalaiselvan for the  answer.

One more Question is that, he was stayed in different place (Voter's ID, Bank details etc), but during his last days he lived with me and died in Bangalore. So as per process, I got the death certificate from Muncipal Copoation Bangalore. So shall I get the certificate from the Tahsildar/Revenue department in my jurisdiction at Bangalore.

I heard that, issue of such certificate is stopped in Karnataka.

Please advice.

Thanks in advance,



T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     16 July 2014

Respected Roy sir,

Thank you very much for your appreciation.

@Praveen: You have been rightly informed that the practice of issuing legal heirship certificate has been discontinued in Karnataka.  For whatever worth it is, you apply for the same on the basis of death certificate and the duly notarised genealogical tree, you will get a certificate issued by the Revenue depaqrtment/Tahsildar that on enquiry it was found that all those members found the genealogical tree certificate are either dependents or living with the deceased at the time of his death, this will ensure that these family members are the survivors of the deceased.   For transferring the records on the names of legal heirs of the deceased, the concerned department will not insist on the revenue department issued legal heirship certificate because they are aware of the prevailing law in this regard, so as suggested, you may apply with the notarised genealogical tree certificate itself.

Ganesh Suryanarayanan   21 November 2017

Dear Respected Lawers,

I have a similar case like Mr. Praveen. My Father passed wawy in Bangalore 4 years back and he leaves behind my Mother, Brother (elder) and myself. My brother is married and living in USA with his family. We have a house in Coimbatore which  needs to be transferred to my Mother's name, also in his name there is Senior Citizen Deposit in a bank without a nominee name. I approached the Varthur Tehsildar office and they as mentioned above can only provide Family Tree Certificate which can be used only for transfer of property and not for bank purpose. I have following questions

1. Since the death happened in Bangalore and registered here, i can procure the Family tree/Legal Heir certificate in Bangalore?

2. Can the Family Tree Certificate issued by Varthur Tehsildhar can be used to transfer property in coimbatore?

3. Can i use the Family Tree certificate to claim the Senior Citizen Deposit?

Looking forward for your expert advice.


Ganesh Suryanarayanan

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