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rajiv_lodha (zz)     03 March 2011

How long 498a/406 complaint at CAW cell

Wife has submitted false dowry complaint in retaliation to divorce case by husband, 7 months ago. Marriage 8 yrs old. Her complaint at CAW Cell. Statements of husband/relatives written down, councelling sessions over, total 5 visits at CAW Cell. Nothing happened from past 3-4 months. Her application still not "filed" by police. The devil is not dead yet!

Is there any time limit for IO to give final report/ to close the complaint in either way? Upon verbal query, CAW Cell ppl say that girl side has not turned up for recording their statements. Will they go on waiting, or will finish it off in a time bound manner?

 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     04 March 2011

@ Author

A complainant needs to peruse her case otherwise it shows frivolousness and or forum hunting. You and your side can't do anything in such situation other than seeking AB if gravity of situation so demands.

CAW cell is not required to work on time bound but you may exert indirect pressure by filling an RTI simply asking how much time period a complaint is given from start to finish either way as per Rules / Guidelines / Circulars and also ask them to quote such rulings if any ! Who knows this RTI may create pressure upon them to alive or close this complaint.

BTW which location you asked this query from as Delhi PHQ has some good Circulars on CAW cell practice and procedure thus asked which you may choose not to reply as it is yoru personal case.

All the best. 

rajiv_lodha (zz)     04 March 2011

Thanx 4 reply. I submitted this kind of RTI, not directly coming into picture. But its a fact that police deptt particularly takes RTIs vry lightly. Also data shows that SICs are reluctant to take action on Police deptt as far as RTI appeals are concerned.

They never replied to my RTI. For the fear of back-lash at my occult supporter, I did not make an appeal.

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