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Ad Amjad Ali (Advocate )     13 April 2012

How to complaint against police officer

In one case, Police is not taking action against land encroacher. Inspite of all documents and agriculture ownership, police is favoring who is encroacher, because of political protection.

Although we filed application against him and got information through RTI that what police is doing. Police admitted that land encroacher had no document but advised us to do land measuring  through tahsildar.

You are kindly request that how to file FIR against  police officer in his own police station.

 10 Replies

sarada_prasan (Engineer)     13 April 2012

I think, you can write to Police Complaint Authority (In some States,it is under Lokpal), through an affidavit..

But, the old, retired and dead bed ridden Lokpal has engaged by the public machinery to pass their leisure time in the office. Though, they have power in the PCA manual, are simply useless to act and their action is like to pass the time. So, ultimately you will loose time as well as your mind and no money.



Have you any proof that you infomed to police regarding this matter.

can you prove negligency by police. If police officer think that there is no ground to take step then he will not investigate the matter.

If prove negigency of police than file a complaint before directly to magistrate.

You have not disclosed

Vishwa (translator)     14 April 2012

I think there is really no possible action against police in this country because all corrupt policemen are protected by their higher ups, who in turn are protected by local politicians. Where does the ball stop ?

Right in the court of that lady who is said to be the richest politician in the world and who refuses to disclose her assets.

Ad Amjad Ali (Advocate )     14 April 2012

Thanks for your advice. Yes I have proof to prove that police was favouring particular person, in documentry evidence .

Thanks again for help

Ad Amjad Ali (Advocate )     14 April 2012

Sir , I agree with your point is some extent.. What should we do  for this kind of injustice. Whether we should allow them to harass people and violate their rights.

I think. there should be some legal remedies for solving the problem.

Seetharamreddy Kancharla (Student)     11 May 2012

if u have the land documents then approach the civil lawyer and file an injuciton order then respondents dont have the relavent documents u can file criminal case after u have decree on that relavent land.

K.Pushparaj (Asst.Manager)     29 April 2013

Dear Sirs,

In our absence our house has broken by our Maid servant and her husband in a day time and the theft made by them of jewels and money. The FIR filed by us our area police station and handover them to the police station. The Maid servant and her husband accept their mistake and ask us to release them from the station .

But the police officials saying that they (Maid servant and her husband) never done the theft and they freed them from the case their acceptance of the theft was only due to the fear. But we well know the theft is done by them only.

We feel the police recovered the properties and they hide and kept with them.

How to handle this?

And any possibilities to lodge a petition against police people? Can I ask for a CBI investigation for this theft case? 

Please suggest me a good solution.



Carlisle Collins (Samaritan)     01 May 2013

Vishwa Ji: You are probably correct to some degree, but, here, where the monitory value of appropriated land or personal jewelry allegedly stolen by a maid servant, etc., are almost trivial when compared to the overwhelming gratuity that travels all the way to the top “where the Buck stops”! I’m not making excuses for corrupt practices (misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance) by civil servants or polititions, but keep one thing in mind: The people who police the Police ARE the Police! Police do their own housecleaning! Crooked cops are scared of cops!

You see, we don’t need an honest cop to assent to your request. All we need is a considerate senior officer who realizes that his profits from the crime are overshadowed by the victim’s losses.

In like situations, as described by victims approaching this forum, I would first suggest they approach the Police Commissioner with a written complaint against the local Station House Officer. Attach copies of supporting documents. Maintain an acknowledgement receipt of your complaint to the Commissioner. I am almost certain this will bring quick, objective results, i.e., either the SHO will renew his investigation with more interest, or he may come up with a reason why he declined.

If you feel, FOR GOOD CAUSE, his reasons are shaky or otherwise invalid, you could retreat in the corner and sulk, or organize a Dharna/”Fast To The Death” campaign, approach the media for sympathetic coverage, or, go the best route: file a Private Complaint with the local magistrate.

Don’t even think of rooting out corruption in our country: it would be treason! We need corruption – it is good for our parallel economy! See Link:

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     16 May 2013


dear Amjad,

In your case do not involve police officials, even though there might be some favourism towards the encroacers. Because ultimately you should approach the same police officials in future. When you get injunction order from the civil court, it is the police only who is going to help you.  Without police protection you cannot safeguard your property.  Whenever you feel any problem with the police, you can approach the higher police officers as ACP, DCP etc and get your work done without hurting anybody.  


It is normal nowadys that the police are helping the land grabbers indirectly, once you get  the injuntion order the land grabbers will have to vacate their possession.  

karnav shah (Executive MBA (Criminology) MBA (Finance) Doctorate (Management))     23 November 2015

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