1. The Gvts have gone about 5TH, 6TH Pay Commissions to ALL roll callers V/s this elderly has raised pension. Who knows whether he got his accruals etc?
- I definitely join the elderly in the complaint that the FMs have NOT DONE GOOD. This elderly has involved in DIGITIZATION, something that was not even known in the public domain 20 years ago & he has, is suffering ignominy, deprivation. I record my own pain in the public domain: I suffer even for food, shelter, safety, sleep, bath, toilet.
In DA raise every 6 months, the FMs, the Gvts have let down, HARMED the people who sacrificed their comforts, food.
- Having seen quiet a lot, want to vent out that very recruitment in many, many cases is questionable. Fellows have got pEEEErmanent Gvt jobs, all for thieving from locked room, terrorising, bad mouth. The Gvt job seeking youngsters have even been prodded to stab the targets.
1A. Mode of Recall of PEEEERmanent EMployees be worked out. Very recruitments are questionable in many many cases. They enjoy PERmanently for 30-45 years & do all sorts of sins on others. Blood should be changed.
- Every nia paisa of common pool money be Accounted, be given to the correct beneficiary & let not even a paisa be given to anyone just because s/he managed to scribe his/her name on roll.
- Let no one, irrespective of what keep on sucking pEEErmanently for 30-45 years. Let other people, other God's creations: Animates & inanimates live with satisfaction. Gvt job roll callers should not be pampered so much.
Lot more changes are needed in the Gvt machinery. Let all of them be deliberated.
Let not the people who did the wonders suffer perpetual ignominy, deprivation, frustration. All of us have ambitions & toil to reach that. Let no one spoil them in the name of this & that. - Let no corrupt person, process; irrespective of who, what keep Njoying on & on.