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Kshiteej Anokar (Advocate)     06 March 2011

Injustice to the consumer


Following are the facts,


One Shridhar Malokar is welder by occupation, in 1999 applied for commercial connection and industrial power supply, both applications allowed. Requisite amount paid for both connection, Industrial power supply installed commercial connection was not installed till august 2009, for 10 years! Though there was several repeated requests, In August 2009, there was hot discussion, and Shridhar Malokar threatened the office bearers of M.S.E.D.C, that he will file consumer dispute,  being prejudiced by that hot talks, the engineer concocted story and prepared spot punchnama (spot inspection report )and shown that (the meter was never installed ) Shridhar commited theft of electricity from the commercial meter, and charged him for theft charges, issued notice and threatened that he will be arrested and sent to jail if the amount is not paid! At the same time it was also threatened that his industrial power supply will be permanently disconnected, and he with his family will face the starvation. Being afraid of this, Shridhar Malokar prayed for pardon for his guilt and requested not to take such harsh actions against him. He paid the amount charged for the alleged theft. And give up the thought to take his grievance before any legal forumn.

On sudden visit he told me about aforesaid story, I was surprised and disbelieved him. But at the same time I applied for the spot inspection report and bill for the theft of the electricity, under the provisions of R.I.Act

I noticed that, 1) there are two applications with sanction orders,

Industrial power supply

Commercial Supply

Application & sanction orders, estimate deman note

Application & sanction orders, estimate demand note

Payment slip

Payment slip

Installation report

Installation report not available

Regularly reported consumption recorded in ledger for consumer no. 223748 since 1999

No consumer number found no ledger entries since 1999

Regularly issued and paid bills

No bills

Meter no. 1915

No meter no.

And at last it is most important to note that, when it is the specific say of the Engineer that the theft is commited on commercial meter, every where in panchnama (Spot inspection report) no. of was mentioned in demand note of theft charges, notice for the recovery of the theft charges, every where the number of I.P.S is mentioned, the theft charges are also shown due in the bill of I.P.Supply


From the aforesaid circumstances, without any hesitation I come to the conclusion that Shridhar malokar is stating the truth. Hence consumer complaint is filled for the

1)                          recovery of the amount paid to and retained by M.S.E.D.C. in 1999 for Commercial Connection as no services are provided. ---- rejected on the ground of limitation

2)                           Recovery of theft charges which was unduly charged on I.P.S meter as no theft was committed upon the I.P.S meter as per the self story of M.S.E.D. C. --- Came to be rejected on the ground that the theft dispute does not come under the jurisdiction of Con. district forum.

3)                           Sir there is no evidence on the part of the m.s.e.d.c that the commercial meter was at any time installed ! I am waiting for your valuable suggestion.

4)                           Shridhar Malokar is a welder by profession and earns his livelihood by hard work and there is injustice to him, I am very sad that I failed to do justice with him. I want to file civil suit but afraid that bar U/s 145 may again come in my way so that I am in need of your valuable suggestion, for which I will be obliged to you.  

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