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PUNEET (STUDENT)     20 March 2010


i am a 3rd year law student in amity law school. as summer vacations are near, i want to do internship during taht period with a reputed law firm in the capital. but so far i have been unsucessful in finding one as i have not interned earlier with someone else. so if anybody have any suggestions plz reply me


 4 Replies

Mansi Aggarwal   09 March 2021

Hello, thank you for your query.

Before looking for an internship one must know the field in which they are interested. If you are looking for an opportunity in a reputed firm you must first read about that firm. Look what are their demands and requirements. Also, search how interning in that firm will be advantageous to you.

To get opportunities you can use platforms like Internshala and Linkedin. Even if you have no past experience, try to make connections with advocates and highlight the skills you have. Build a strong resume and make sure it is honest.

Hope this helps.

aditi srivastava   06 April 2021


There are several resources one can rely on even if they have no experience and want to work with a law firm. Firstly, you can also visit your college's career services office and they can help you out to find suitable employers. Search for Alumni from your law school on LinkedIn and get in touch with them. You can use a good legal search engine (eg. Martindale) to find law firms practicing in the area of law of your interest. Build your resume highlighting your skills and mention your non-legal work experience with relevant examples by telling what was your duty and answering questions like how, why and the result of that particular work which you did. Emphasize on your professional skills like communication, ability to conduct legal research and drafting etc and how can you cater to the needs of the firm with your knowledge and abilities.

hope you find this helpful


sneha jaiswal   11 April 2021

Hello, Greetings of the day!

Best Platform is where you are writing at that is LAWyersclubindia.

Also, There are other numerous platforms where you can find good internships like internshala, government website like NHRC. Also, you can approach your college legal internship cell for assistance. NGO’s are the good option to intern at by approaching them in their place or by writing through mail which you can just find by googling. Always show that you can give a value to the place you are interning at not a liability for them.

Hope It helps

Best Regards,

Sneha Jaiswal 


Tanishq Tandon   22 April 2021


Work experience/ internships are a must in the field of law. Before looking for an internship, look within yourself. Look at your past achievements and failures, prepare a proper SWOT Analysis for yourself, i.e. find out what are your Strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. After that start building a resume, as you said, you haven't interned anywhere before, mention each and every skill! Sometimes even a small talent could help you fetch a great internship. For instance, if you spend a lot of time on social media, this could also be used as a skill as there are many Instagram/ Facebook pages that require active social media users for the purpose of social media marketing or handling their social media handles. So, make sure to mention what are your skills and how you could be an asset to their firm. 

After that, make a routine to apply for an internship to at least 10-15 companies/ law firms a day. You can apply at Internshala, lawctopus, and other sites. You can personally apply for an internship with district/ high court lawyers of your place.

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