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Siddharth Mehta (Student)     10 February 2011


I'm in my first year of five year law course.I have just completed a semester in the college,I would like to do my internship in the month of June this year.Can anyone please tell me what kind of work will be assigned to me if i work with an ngo or a trial court lawyer??

I am worried since nothing much has been taught to us till now,we only have 1 law subject ie Law of contracts.Also we have not been taught any  research techniques.

Please enlighten me


thanking you in advance

 10 Replies

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     11 February 2011

wait for one more year. read more subjects on law and then go for internship, otherwise you will not be capable of understanding what is happening in the field of Law

Siddharth Mehta (Student)     11 February 2011

Thanx for ur reply sir.

But can u please enlighten me on the nature of work involved in internship with an ngo??

leena (student)     12 February 2011

Dear Siddharth,


I'm also pursuing the same course and has given my 5th semester exams in January. i wanna tell u that ur Law subjects will start from 4th semester onwards till that time u'll be having ur basic BA subjects. go for internship after 5 or 6th semester as u'll be having much law knowledge. and if u wanna go for internship in ngo then they'll provide u with typing, filing or any other work and will even provide u with the books for more knowledge.





1 Like

spriha (student)     13 February 2011

respected sir/madam,

i am a 1st year BA LLB student pursuing law from the army institute of law mohali, in the second semester at the moment. my second semester finishes in may.i have been taught the law of torts,the law of contracts and public international law so far. i wish to grow as a lawyer.i possess research skills and have been participating in various moots competitions held in the college. i want to apply for intership in an organisation or under an emeinent lawyer,where i can learn the skills of the profession.kindly guide me where all i can apply and the procedure for doing so..

thanking you,

yours sincerely

Spriha Lohani

leena (student)     14 February 2011


I wanna suggest u that kindly wait for another 1 or 1.5 year as u'll get to know more about Law.

ritesh mehta (student)     16 February 2011

well i think in collage only we can learn for exa,. but in field work we can obtain many more

so i m looking for it at ahmedabad city

spriha (student)     16 February 2011

in most colleges ders only one law subject per semester in d first year...v hav dun 3...does that not make me eligible for internship??i hav studied the law of torts,law of contracts and public international law...i want to learn the practically now in the vacations...cant i apply for ngo's or companies?

ritesh mehta (student)     16 February 2011

well spirha

well its difficult to get intenship before 3sem

leena (student)     17 February 2011


i can understand what u r eager for even ven i joined this course i was too keen to work under a lawyer to get some more knowledge about the field. i'll sugest u to that if u  really wanna work with ngo or any other firm ask them for summer internship and go ahead. but u wont be given with much work except normal clerical work.

Faizan (Student)     18 February 2011

Go ahead .. if u get an oppurtunity. even clerical work has importance in practice :)

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