can benami transaction be proved ? if yes, how ?
i mean if A has registered some of his property in the name of some other person.. how can he ltr prove tht it's his property
sanyojanee deshmukh (Lawyer) 26 January 2010
can benami transaction be proved ? if yes, how ?
i mean if A has registered some of his property in the name of some other person.. how can he ltr prove tht it's his property
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 26 January 2010
He cannot do so because Benami Transaction Abolition Act is already in operation in India and no contract eyond the settled law can be enforced legally in India.
Sachin Bhatia (Advocate) 26 January 2010
This transaction of property is prohibited under Benami Transaction Act, He cannot do so.