Namastay LCI members,
I am central govt. employee, my administrative officers were harassing me every now and then. Disregading the rules and regulations laid for them to follow. Hence after receiving several blows from them which unorthodox and unjust, I opted to take it to the tribunal(CAT) for which I sought some information from the department under RTI Act 2005.
The administration bluntly denying to provide information under RTI showing section 6 of RTI act which says that the information sought should be specific.
Please clarify my doubt "Is it necessary to specify particular dates for the documents/information asked"
How correct is this, if not please provide any judgement reference.
RTI act at administrative level is not gettting implemented properly.
All the denying answers I heard was "does not raise, Information sought not specific according to section 6 of RTI"
How can a third party member give dates for the orders/information which were not published to public?
please clarify.