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UJAS DHARAMSHI (Corporate Lawyer)     23 July 2008

Is voting in Parliament to be disclosed?

Is the voting which was conducted yesterday in the Parliament should have been disclosed with the names of the members who cross-voted? In general sessions when voting takes place thorugh secret ballot the names of the persons who voted to the ruling party or who voted to the opposition party are not disclosed as specifically voter's name in the Parliament are not disclosed?

Hence in the media the names of the cross-voters who cross-voted yesterday were disclosed very openely and might cause rage among people of the party and in general. Hence the specific name of the members should have been disclosed? The no. and the party of the members can be disclosed but it is not violation if the names of that member are disclosed which will hamper their voting right?

 7 Replies


Dharmshi ji, you are correct disclosing the names of cross-voted MP's will leads to rage between party & its members. But yesterday agenda was a national cause, were as every MP of the house irrespective of the party he belongs has a right to vote as per his wish & which he thinks True.
Hence nothing is wrong in disclosing the name of voter(MP's) not it is a violation.

podicheti.srinivas (advocate/legal consultant)     23 July 2008

yes it has to be for the  sake of transparency it has to be known to the public at large .people should know to whom they are voting and what type of things they are doing

kiranpothuri (area manager in stock broking company)     23 July 2008

parliament and every supremo power will obey before media , now a days media very strong than the courts... sources only

Kanhaiya Singh (Advocate)     24 July 2008

Voting by secret poll is a legal right of an individual. So, it should be protected.However, media has right and duty to make the public aware of the real state of affairs.

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     24 July 2008

I agree with P.Srinivas. In case of confidence motion, there should be open poll. When majority may be shown by the parade of MPs, then why not by open poll.

Kapil (Advocate (Associate Legal))     26 July 2008

Mr. Dharamshi,

As per my point of View, if there is open disclouser of the voting results by showing who voted in favour or agianst then, it will not sevr the main object of  Voting. As per its fundamental object, it should be keep as a confidential. Otherwise it will lead a vast contraversy in Political Parties. Rather, it will direct affect Democracy.

TS Bhatia (HR Executive)     05 September 2008

yes it is good for democracy and one should know what is happening in the parliament

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