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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     22 February 2011

Law to curb food wastage at weddings soon!


Law to curb food wastage at weddings soon!



Terming the food wastage at weddings and social gatherings as 'criminal', Food and Consumer Affairs Minister K V Thomas said the government could bring a new law in this regard and also launch an awareness campaign to curb this.

The minister said although the government has not conducted any study to determine the level of wastage of food at such functions like marriage events, there are reports that wastage is to the extent of 15-20 per cent.

"There is huge wastage of food at weddings and other social functions. It is a criminal wastage. We are finding out mechanism to bring down such wastage of food," Thomas said.

The Consumer Affairs Ministry has initiated a consultation with noted farm scientist M S Swaminathan and several civil societies to suggest ways to reduce the wastage of food items at big events, he said.

Asked if the government is planning to limit the number of guests at weddings, Thomas said, "We are not going to that extent. We will either launch an awareness campaign or if need be bring in a new legislation."


The UPA government is also in the process of bringing a National Food Security Act to ensure legal entitlement of highly subsidised foodgrains to the poor.

 4 Replies

Niyati Ranjan Samal (Legal Advisor)     24 February 2011

I am highly praising the initiative ,who has first taken this in the mind. The govt. should take immidiate legislation in this regard. The Govt, should legislate like this -First the person concerned should obtain a certificate from the local authority not to waste the foods unnecessarily, if anything found latter on ,then the person concerned should punish for the same.

Niyati Ranjan Samal



Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     25 February 2011

Minister Thomas made a proposal and has stated the aim. i.e. to prevent wastage of food. Mr. Niyati Ranjan Samal has given a Tuglakian idea as to how to implement it. Who wants food to go waste?  It will cost money to the host and no ordinary person, except the page three people, who hold a party at the drop of a hat, Government and private organizations, who spend public money and the super-rich, would like to waste money. Middleclass persons, who celebrate the wedding of their son or daughter will be thrifty and would like to avoid wastage. But the problem comes how to estimate the number of guests. If the food cooked is too less, it will be embarrassing to the host. The invitees do not care to reply RSVP and many, who give positive reply, do not turn up. The host would like to err on the higher side.


And what punishment shall Mr. Samal give? Ask the host to eat all the excess food left? Ministers will make all kind of statements. They do not deserve to be taken seriously. The Minister himself will forget it the next moment

What's in a name (Director )     25 February 2011

Tremendous amount of grain goes waste because of the lack of ware housing. Connecting watage of grain to social event and wastage therein may not work in a democratic India, howeverm criminal ethically that food waste is. Food security requires a different land use pattern , switiching over from cash to food crops, improvement in the status of farmer and good market price for them, secure land rights, and checking the overtaking of land and water resources by big corporate houses and exporting recklessly essential food items as well as hoarding of the grains and other food items by balck marketeers. 

I wonder if any law in this regard would see light of the day. And even if it does by some miracle, how it would assuage and ensure food security of the poor people unelss above majors are taken up in a serious spirit. 

What's in a name (Director )     25 February 2011

Even in the home kichens there remains extra food so much so that if some guests turn up sudeenly you are never short of food. And what 's the gurantee that the saved food would go to poor people and not rote in the unprotected pile and become infected with rat nibbling as a result of which a very very considerable degree of food grain goes waste. 

The minister is fooling the public who does not have either time or inclination to analyse the why of food insecurity. Most probably he himself must not be aware of it.

Who can ban guests and social functions by way of law? That too in a democratic country?? 

Then a person having more than one car should be punished too, because he or she is occupying more ecological foot prints , thus depriving others of the space of their own ecological foot prints!!! 

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