Is there any legal requirement to leash pet dogs, while taking them out for a walk ?
Nitin (Professional) 20 October 2009
Is there any legal requirement to leash pet dogs, while taking them out for a walk ?
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 21 October 2009
Nitin, We dont have off leash dog parks in Inida as many other countries to let them off leash. It is legal to leash dogs when you take them to public places as it is safe for both dog and bystanders. I am not aware of leash laws in India. Pet owners are covered under Pervention of cruelty to animals Act, though.
Nitin (Professional) 21 October 2009
Thank you so much. Very kind of you
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 29 October 2009
Definitely no separate law in india in he given matter.