My relative Mr. B purchased plot in madurai, the plot originally purchased by Mr.A on 1962, Mr.A not having children so he executed will on 1992 but he not mention above property , later 2002 he died .
he have 3 brothers i.e C,D,F 3 brother died on 2000, 2002, 2004 respectivly , they were not get legal heir certificate for Mr.A, then All legal Heirs of C,D,E. On 2008 they transfer the patta to their Name and Sub Divided the property in various Plot including which was get by will, then they sold the property to Mr.E on 2013. Mr.E Sold the property to Mr.B on 2014, now he apply for Loan but bank advocate asking Legal Heir certificate for Mr.A, But they not having that,
Wether Mr.B having Good title of the property?? What is the procedure for getting Legal Heir Certificate for that??