Hi Shiva,
Call me on 9620735556. If you have documentary evidence then approach the High Court under section 482 of CrPC but the documentary evidence must be of pure quality such that opposite party should not debate it in High Court else high court will not look into that materail.
Similar thing you may do it in trail court but you need to seek for further investigation on the specified allegation ....
If your wife is working then she is not entilted for maintenancne and you may ask the court to pay that wife is earning and she can maintain the child being at present husband has no money, if stil maintenance is required to child ask the court to sell your body meat part by part and blood that may be given to the child.
Approach the High Court and file a writ petition to seek mainteancne from wife being she is capable of working and earning and due to her you lost the job.
Else file divorce and seek maintenance U/s 24 and 25 of HMA.