I have filled divorce. In response respondent filed objection to the divorce along interim maintenance under Sec 24. Interim maintenance of 7k granted. She again filed DVC in that case also she is asking maintenance. Can she ask maintenance twice?
vinay (employee) 11 March 2017
I have filled divorce. In response respondent filed objection to the divorce along interim maintenance under Sec 24. Interim maintenance of 7k granted. She again filed DVC in that case also she is asking maintenance. Can she ask maintenance twice?
Sachin (N.A) 11 March 2017
Is she asking interim maintenance in DV Act or permanent/fianl maintenance? What is the stage of case?
Yes. She can ask maintenance under both of them. But it is for the court to decide to grant or not. The court however may grant maintenance under both the sections of law. Nothing cant be said, as dicretionary power of court is always there. On the other hand, why dont you try to reconcile with wife. All women are the same. Adjust with known devil than going for unknown one.