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Punit Gupta (Owner)     02 September 2017

Management of school

Can 2 different NGOs registered as societies, manage and operate a school togather. In other words, can 2 different NGOs make a partnership to run a school. Please enlighten. Thank you.


 3 Replies

Kasyap Ivaturi   03 September 2017

No, Societies, Partnerships & Trusts cannot form a Partnership. As they are not the Juristic Personalities / Artificial Person like a Company.
+91 9873299382

P. Venu (Advocate)     03 September 2017

What are the facts? What is the real issue?

Punit Gupta (Owner)     03 September 2017

There is a school named*********** and 2 different NGOs are AWEWS and Aurora, which are registered as society with the concerned authority, have jointly founded the school and are willing to form a single entity which will be jointly owned by these 2 NGOs and a team of academic and administrative has been put in place and the management is to be controlled by any single entity, which in turn is be jointly owned by these 2 NGOs. Hope I made my point clear. Looking forward for your response.

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