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Ankit Saha (CEO)     20 July 2016

Mediation cell

Dear Learned friends, 

  1. I am facing a cheque bounce case. When the matter was refered to mediation cell, I was demanded Rs 30 Lacs and I offered to pay 10 lacs as settlement amount. This was not accepted and the mattter returned to trial court. Now I procced for trial and take a stand denying liability. OR court holds me to the extent of 10 lacs?
  2. When the complainant sent notices to 3 addresses, two were returned and one was signed by someone in my office and never reached me. Is this suitable for discharge on technical ground?

Thanks for valuable time and response in advance. 

Pl help

Ankit Saha

 4 Replies

Mukesh sharma (job )     20 July 2016

Hi ankit how much amount you have not mention here you file case for cheque bonce and if if they give you 10 lakh s for settelment you not accept 

thats not very big problem if your case not solve in medition cell than your case return to court and now court decide which amount as per settelment he decide not you 

and second you said sent notice 3 but not reach to you one o them sign by someone in your office but not reach you could you decribe us why he/she not provide you letter if person who work in your office and he accept letter than its mean its accept by you you could not denied on this ground thats you could not recieved lettter 


Ankit Saha (CEO)     21 July 2016

Dear Mr Mukesh Sharma:

I am accused and offered Rs 10 Lacs to the complainant who demanded Rs30 lacs in the mediation cell. Now the case is coming back to trial court. 

Can I say NO LIABILITY in trail court now, as I have already offered to pay Rs 10 lacs?

thank you sir


Shekhar (Proprietor)     21 July 2016

First do let us know what is the value of cheque you issued & under what circumstance. Other matters are that relavent. Did you issued cheque to clear your liability or other persons liability?

shanthi reddy   21 July 2016

Sir, The bounced cheque was for 12 lacs. I offered 10 and he demanded 30

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