Namaskar Respective Members,
We have participated in one tender in uttrakhand govt.In this tender one of the bidder has offered rate Rs 110/- Month including both part EPF and ESI.The rate is very low and i think also below minmum wages act 1948.
For same we have complaint to Uttrakhand govt deptt tender deptt and deptt has raised letter to state labour deptt. for there consent.Labour deptt sent a letter that we have wages only for pvt sector not for govt sector.
1.So we want to know that which minimum wages act is applicable to contract un-skilled labour (agriculture works) works in uttrakhand govt deptt (outsourced employee).
2.pls we need any supporting documents for same to submit in uttrakhand govt deptt.
3. Min wages act is compulsory or not for contract labour outsourced in uttrakhand govt.
its very urgent for us,pls support.Deptt has raised work order for Rs 110/- per day bidder.