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Gurusharan   22 October 2017

Minor Car Accident

Begin in a small car accident, visited a temple where i parked in parking area, while getting out of the temple a guy was sleeping in parking area i didnt knew and my car hit him, he had few injuries and i took him to govt hospital and a MLC was filed. the guy was drunk but in medical records its not being mentioned. now will it be a issue if i apply for any Country? and this case comes under civil or criminal law?

 9 Replies

Gurusharan   22 October 2017

now will it be issue if i apply for visa for any country

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     22 October 2017

U can..dont worry ...he had been discharged after the first aid given by the doctor ? Moreover he can lodge a police complaint under section 297 ipc rash driving on public way and this is petty offence . In your case i dont think so he may lodge the fir as he(Victim) is also wrong on his on part. Regards Jaspal S Maini 9999987283

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     22 October 2017

Sry sectiin 279 ipc..wrongly mentioned

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     22 October 2017

Sry sectiin 279 ipc..wrongly mentioned

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     22 October 2017

279 is compoundable offence so try to settle the matter

Gurusharan   22 October 2017

Thank you for reply, i dont know if he has been discharged as i have to visted him today, but he was there in hospital yesterday morning ., and he is the labor guy i dint think so he will put up a case. according to victim police visited him in hospital and took his signature on blank page. spoke to police, he says fir has been filed. now what will happen if i pledge guilty and finish of the case.? or how best way should i handle this situation

Gurusharan   22 October 2017

the whole incident happened on 20 night between 10:30 - 11:00 pm

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     22 October 2017

If the case/FIR has been registred by police and u want to close the matter in hurry than u need to take assistance of local lawyer.. But dont be in rush, police will not take any action till the time complainant is no ready to lodge the same. Regards Jaspal S Maini (Adv) 9999987283

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     22 October 2017

If the case/FIR has been registred by police and u want to close the matter in hurry than u need to take assistance of local lawyer.. But dont be in rush, police will not take any action till the time complainant is no ready to lodge the same. Regards Jaspal S Maini (Adv) 9999987283

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