My uncle borrowed an amount of Rs.1,50,000/- from me on May 2013. The only proof that I have are my Bank account statements that indicate myself transferring this amount to my uncles bank account.
It's been more than an year and a half now, despite I asked my uncle to repay my money at various instances he hasn't repaid it back.
He sent me an SMS to my mobile saying that he shall pay it as early as possible, he was saying the same over phone when ever I called him in the past, now a days he is not even picking my phone calls.
My Grandmother from my mother's side who is also the mother of my uncle who borrowed the above said money from me is the witness of this transaction and she agreed to come to any court of law for me to help me get my money back from my uncle.
I live in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and my Uncle who borrowed the money from me lives in Erode, Tamilnadu. My grandmother who is the witness lives in visakhapatnam too.
I wish to know few details:
1) Is this case eligible enough to be taken to the court of Law? I ask this because there is no proof other than the bank statements indicating the transaction.
2) For filing the case, can I approach the Court of Law in Visakhapatnam (andhra pradesh) where I live or should I have to approach the Court of Law in Erode (tamilnadu) where my uncle lives. Matter of fact I live in Visakhapatnam and I transferred the amount to my uncle who lives in Erode, Tamilnadu via an Online / Netbanking NEFT transaction method, none the less the transaction took place in visakhapatnam. The address mentioned on my bank account statement is my house address at visakhapatnam.
3) My uncle owns a plot of land in Visakhapatnam, but his house where he currently resides is in Erode Tamilnadu. Can I attach his Property at Visakhapatnam worth about Rs.6,00,000/- at the time of filing my case. If I do so wouldn't he be able to sell his property at visakhapatnam until my case is solved in the court?
4) Do I have to engage a Lawyer for this case or can I represent my case myself in the court.