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Aryan Gour (manager)     15 April 2013

My wife physically abused me pls help

Hi !
I met this girl in my office nearly 4years back and we fell in love within few months and decided to marry each other but due to caste and cultural difference my parents didnt approve but they finally gv up last year and we got married.Since day 3 of our marriage she started arguing for no reason and wud get easily frustrate, her temperment is very hot and when she opens her mouth to speak she wudnt think wht shes saying n keeps talking rubbish against my parents my siblings and relatives and me ..on 41st day of our marriage she crossed all the limits ..she in front of my cousin on a very small issue slapped me thrice and broke her own bangles and banged her head and went on terrace and started shouting for help ...since that incident am still in a very shock state and really very scared and confused what to do ...we are living 2gthr and my parents live in different city...what shall i do ? if i file for divorce where shall i approch? which lawyer shall i see? and on what grounds i can get divorce ? how can i secure my parents and sibling from the  misuse of 498A/DVAct? my family is coming to stay with me for few weeks tommrow really confused ..please help ! 

 9 Replies

Advocate Sastry (Advocate)     15 April 2013

Better go for counselling with a Doctor.

NC (BM)     15 April 2013

I think you should focus on collecting more proof about the cruelity she is doing with you. A few hints are as follows..


1. You may gift her a new phone that have a hidden call recorder.

2. You must put a phone recorder in your phone, when you are out, just try talk about the cruelity that she did recently in cool calm manner and ask her the reason. Let her speak out what even she want to say, let them record.

3. Buy some spy camera, fix them at you home. You must control on your action/reaction when you are in front of the camera.

These are very easy to get for you now and are going to be very useful once you both start the legal fight (war).


First dont let your parents come now otherwise it may lead to domestic violence case againist your parents too.

1 Like


Pyar mein sab jaayaz he.

Reformist !!! (Other)     16 April 2013

First of all stop ur parents to come to ur house and then as said by NC follow those steps.


She waited 3 years for your parents to acept her,man...Should you not wait for a few months` to see if you can save the relationship?

Mango (Consultant)     16 April 2013

You are about to get the most precious wedding gift i.e. 498a so prepare yourself well.  She is consulting a lawyer and trying to frame a case by gathering all the sufficient evidences (perfect example - shouting from roof-top). Run as far as you can and especially keep your mother-father and other family member away from this new monster.


What is happening with you is already happened with one of my close friend. Usually, I don't suggest this thing but do NOT wait and consult some seasonal lawyer...




Every second day I get to read this. Wife shout at me, wife slap me, wife's mother shout at me. Am not okay with wife's side relatives. Husband shout at me, husband dont like my mother, husband raise voice, husband misbehave with me, husband lap me, husband dont like my relatives. What kind of love marriage is this? ? ? Love marriage itself is a compromise. Its submissive form of marriage. Not for just the girl but for the boy too. If you people were in love really, to love someone is next to loving God himself. You should be in a position to take into your stride each and everything. When it comes to the parents part. Why do you people forget that the person whom you fell in love with has come out of the people whom you people just started hating. Why love the boy or the girl and hate their parents??? When you fall in love, and get married, it is understood that you should follow all norms what is expected of you both. If not where is the real love?

@^ ^ ^ These things keep happening. Why does a woman after getting married via love marriage has to be more submissive than ever, why do the men expect the woman to become a aadarsha naari of bhaarat and vice-versa? When both have been submissive before marriage, why cant you continue the same after marriage without pointing fingers at them them and you yourselves that he has changed, she has changed, he does not listen to me, she does not listen to me. Then finally out of idiotic thinking, take a drastic step that we part ways. This is not done guys. Take time to think, act wisely.

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Either jhelo/bhugto ya phir talaaq le lo.  But am still not getting it, why go for divorce etc when it is actually a love marriage?

Either one was just crazy, and now its driving you ppl nuts, aftermath effect of falling in love.

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