Hi All,
There is a situation where in a couple is living separate because of internal clashes. The couple is having a child as well. Although there has been no talks about getting the divorce but the situation is worse and it seems husband has started planning divorce consequences.
From last few weeks, husband is trying every way to make his wife to sign as co-applicant for a loan in private finance company for purchasing pre-owned house. He has registered the house on his name however he wants to make wife a co-applicant for the housing loan. Currently she has no source of income and staying in her parent’s house. Even though she does not have any source of income or any such documents (except PAN card) to provide to finance company, husband seems to be managing to make her co-applicant using his good contacts with loan approvers.
She doesn’t want to refuse straight signing documents as by doing so she will loose any possible remaining probability of patching up with her husband.
She is worried as in case she gets divorced, how above loan sharing will harm her legally? Will there be any consequences because of above loan sharing that will help him to get wife into trouble?
If yes she is not sure how tactically she should avoid signing the documents?
You all are experts in this area hence I request you all for help.
-Arun Lal