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praveen (associate)     17 January 2013

Need help in love marriage

Hi sir/madam,

I am praveen and i am 24 yrs old working in an IT firm in chennai.I have been in love with a girl for past 2 years.Everythng went well and even my engagement got over but due to few problem because of my dad her parents dropped the marriage.And even my dad went to them and asked sorry for his act but they are pointing out Astrology(jaadhagam) as a reason and not accepting for the marriage..even though we tried many times to convnce they are not ready to accept for this marriage.My girl wants to marry me she loves me a lot but due to her family she has no other option left other than being single moreover they are brainwashing her a lot.But i need to marry her.Can anyone help me out in moving this legally for a successfull marriage.Please someone help me i have no other option than crying out in this forum.

thanks and awawiting a quick reply:(

 6 Replies

File habios corpus in the highcourt but ur lover must be in your side.

Nitish Banka (lawyer)     17 January 2013

well legally there are no options other than marry in arya samaj mandir and register that marraige in court...

praveen (associate)     17 January 2013

thanks for the immediate response but she doesnt want to leave her family...:( what to do...:( please helppppp

Nothing can be done without her concent so try to talk with her.

Pls contct me 09446154006

ABHISHEK KUMAR VATSA (Freelancer)     18 January 2013

hi praveen,

Any step taken by you in haste can damage the future of not only you u, but also of pepole around you.

Your way out from this mess either talk to her parents,or try to convince her only if she agrees with you then only law can help you.

have faith thrs dark just before dawn my freind



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