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Needed an expert and honest matrimonial lawyer

Though it is rare combo but  still searching for an honest and expert lawyer  in matrimonial cases for a girl seeking justice in Delhi  who is not working as an agent /broker but a true reresentative for  victims. .If you can suggest ,you are wecome to answer the query.

 22 Replies

Nu.Delhi.Law.Fora. (Advocate-on-Record Supreme Court of India)     08 January 2011

Dear Querist,


I know an advocate who I have worked with for quite some time at New Delhi. He is considerate and good strategist. He is Sajib Dutta. You may contact him at 9818235515. His best usp is reliability and sincerity besides usal practice knowledge in any trial matter particulalry a sensitive issue like matrimonial matters.


Best of luck.


Rabin Majumder

Advocate & Attorney

For Nu.Delhi.Law.Fora

New Delhi


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If u think better u can call me at 9871158578. It is hard truth that I'm always fighting for TRUTH and TRUE PEOPLE.

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Thanks for all your replies.Shall decide .

paramjit singh (self)     13 January 2011

unless u don't clarify your issue as well stigma regarding your marriage problem, it will be very difficult to give any advice and the fate of your destiny.

neel (self)     13 January 2011

You can file/defend/contest your case on your own also (Are u a petitioner or respondent?)


It is difficult but not impossible.


Expertise in law (or in any profession) is certainly not cheap.


And both sides are allowed to appoint a lawyer as it is not proved who's victim or guilty.

Being a woman you already have antural advantage in family courts.


There is difference between theory and practice. If you challenge the practice positively with theory you can sustain any pressure.

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How can one file/defend/contest a case on  own also?


Well I am from petitioner's side .



It is a gropu of  cases under  s.125,498,406 and D.V.



paramjit singh (self)     14 January 2011

neel has also rightly suggested and the cases u have mentioned must be filed by you and that do show that u r in the hands of someone guiding you. in fact from the overgoing discussions it also appear that in all of the cases u have mentioned above are in one or the other form you must be asking for money, but you never know the percusions and consequenses therfore you are asking for an honest i.e. non agent type of advocate. I am sure now you seems to be a playball in the hands of mediaters and professional. Please honestly tell that all whatever is happening is really an outcome of very serious situation or it is became more complicated after the initiation of cases. Please note this is only begining voyage is quite long. be patient and don't dishearten it will be solved.

Jamai Of Law (propra)     14 January 2011

India is slowly waking up to the plight of 'mischievous' 498a/DV  victims and laws arising out of such upper courts.......are also a noisance to genuine victims.



This is everywhere in each profession. Ld. legal counsels (a very few only) indulge into such activities which tarnishes the whole fraternity. Same with medical profession.



 When you make an agreement with the builder to buy apartment, don't you notice one sided agreement?



In short, you want to be in control..............but after filing 498a and DV ............... where is the control left in your hands? ...I am not saying 498a and DV are only meant to be on papers of law...........But for every illness, surgery shouldn't be used directly.



(check LCI as to how to retreat from such cases. But there also you need a GOOD and EXPERIENCED lawyer)



, that's why people are developing tech. to diffuse the atom bombs mid-air after dropping the same from a jet !!!!! It at least gives even more and greater control over atom bomb.....

It's evolution..



I want to suggest that every person be made to go through two years of law and public admin. as additional compulsary subjects untill 12th !! It is necessary!!



I find that the field of law is as rewarding and fulfilling as other professions. One should have zeal. Corruption is there in every field.


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majority of legal professionals are agents with no ethics.Our lawyer was our known person who wanted to enjoy at our expense by playing double game.Anyway he was caught before doing big damage.

And as far as getting money is concerned it is the women cell and mediation cell that get  illegal funds by asking the petitioner to settle "full and final" instead of fighting case and facing difficulties.Yes many women are making misuse of such laws.But any way  noone can throw the baby with the bath tub hence laws remain here and people learn to use ,abuse or misuse them and then the counter laws are used as remedy and the cycle goes on  .What does not get change is victim ,it is always a human X,Y,Z....male or female.



Mr. Sawant

problem solved.We got the case referred back to court .

paramjit singh (self)     15 January 2011

Okay u have very honestly admitted that some body close to u was the person misleading you. I also understand that your issue was not such serious as it brought you to the present situation moreover your reply to Mr. Sawant also not clear and transparent moreover i feel you still on the track running to and fro. Please be careful you are in the world of dowery mafia. God bless you happy new year and good future.


Dowry mafia is active with  shares fixed for CAW Cell I.O.,Police I.O. Mediators,lawyers who sell their ethics.But it is your choice what you want to do,noone can force you to do it unless you let them do so.In our case,we observed how things happen there and yes it was not a made up case.Anyway we have brought matter back to court as  needed .And yes lawyer was dishonest and acted favourably for the other party .Anyway hope is alive :) .

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