Dear Friends,
I am working in an IT company since lsat 6 months and i gave resignation on 1-May requesting to releive me by 30-May. As per agreement i have to serve notice period of 30 days or pament thereof. Here is what is written in contract (i am on contract thru 3rd party payroll.
"Except for expiry of a Work Assignment due to completion/expiry of the same or in respect of a Work Assignment of one week or a lesser period of time, either party may terminate this Work Assignment Letter by issuing 30 days notice in writing or payment thereof".
The issue what i m facing i am not getting a reliveing date confirmation yet and my current employer wants to extend my notice period by 10 days. I fear i might loose on the new job where i need to join from 1-June. I just had 2 queries:
1) If I walk out on 31-May since i will be completing 30 days as per agreement can my present employers hold my salary and relieving letter?
2) Can they take an lega action on me since i was told to wait 10 days more but not wited.?
Pls suggest what i can do