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ROHIT (support engineer)     10 June 2015

Notice period within bond duration

Hello respected lawyers,

(Please check the third document too on the reply section )

My name is Rohit and currently i'm working in an IT Firm in kerala.I've made a bond with an XYZ company for a period of 2 years

(NB:the attached document is the only thing i've signed,i don't know whether its a valid bond or not,its my offer letter cum bond)

I haven't given them any of my academic certificates or whatsover,the matter is ,i want to relieve from  the company on sept 10th 2015(after 8 days of bond period).But my company says as per our agreement i've to stay for a period of 2 years and then only i can issue my notice period or else they won't issue me an experience certificate.What should i do?? Looking forward to your reply ... Thanks in advance

 7 Replies

ROHIT (support engineer)     10 June 2015

Please check this document too

Attached File : 20150610202335 1011981664 document 3.docx downloaded: 170 times

Rajesh Kulkarni (Advocate)     10 June 2015


Your's is clear case and you have right to change your job from present one to anyother. 

contact me for better appreciation of ur agreement with your company.


Rajesh Kulkarni



Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 June 2015

Your period of engagement as ‘Trainee’ seems to be from 02-09-13 to 02-09-15!

There seems to be an error as you won’t be completing 8 days by 10th Sep,2015?


Since how long (months) you are working with this company?

What would be your tenure in months by 10th Sep,2015?

You seem to be rather completing 2 years by 10th Sep,2015, and the training would end on this completion of 2years, then what is the issue? Moreover after completion of 2 years since training would end and you have no right be absorbed in permanent employment then no notice is required to be tendered by you.


The state of Kerala has covered IT employees under Min. Wages Act.

You may check the notifications issued by o/o Labor Commissioner and compare if you were paid Min.Wages or not?

ROHIT (support engineer)     11 June 2015

That was a typo...yeah i'll be completing 2years+8 days on 10 sep 2015.Thanx

ROHIT (support engineer)     23 June 2015

Originally posted by : Rajesh Kulkarni

Your's is clear case and you have right to change your job from present one to anyother. 

contact me for better appreciation of ur agreement with your company.


Rajesh Kulkarni



ROHIT (support engineer)     23 June 2015

Originally posted by : Kumar Doab
Your period of engagement as ‘Trainee’ seems to be from 02-09-13 to 02-09-15!

There seems to be an error as you won’t be completing 8 days by 10th Sep,2015?


Since how long (months) you are working with this company?

What would be your tenure in months by 10th Sep,2015?

You seem to be rather completing 2 years by 10th Sep,2015, and the training would end on this completion of 2years, then what is the issue? Moreover after completion of 2 years since training would end and you have no right be absorbed in permanent employment then no notice is required to be tendered by you.


The state of Kerala has covered IT employees under Min. Wages Act.

You may check the notifications issued by o/o Labor Commissioner and compare if you were paid Min.Wages or not?

Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 June 2015

Waht do you mean by your last two posts?


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