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Kuntal   04 April 2018

Other person has rented my shop from my original rentee

Someone else has taken rent of my shop from the original tenant who has been residing in my shop for last 15 years. He has also stopped paying his rent for last 1.5 years. I asked him why he has rented someone else.He is denying.And he is also not paying his rent.I also give receipt of his rent.So it can be proven that he has not given his rent.What can be done to force him to evacuate the shop?

 4 Replies

Kuntal   04 April 2018

There was no agreement has the person rented many years ago.

Kuntal   04 April 2018

There was no agreement has the person rented many years ago.

Kuntal   04 April 2018

He has stopped giving me rent for last 1.5 years.He rented many years ago. We don't have any agreement. Now he is giving rent to someone else as if he is the owner.He is not giving me rent too.Tell what more info u need?

Yusuf Rampurawala   05 April 2018

You rented your shop to your tenant and he in turn has rented it to a third party. You say there is no agreement between you and your tenant. So in absence of a written agreement your tenant can easily say that there is no restriction on him to further rent the shop to a third party as long as he (your tenant) is paying rent to the owner. But you as owner can always says that even if there is no agreement, the renting terms were orally agreed. You say that your tenant is not paying rent. This is a good ground for you to call him to vacate the premises. First talk to him and request to handover possession to you. If he doesn't then Issue him a legal notice immediately informing that the understanding between you and him is terminated since he is not paying rent and has also rented the place to a third party. let the legal notice be also marked to police for taking action for criminal trespass against your tenant and the third party.

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