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Arjun   15 February 2017

Outcome of cross examination

Hi Experts,

Wife has filed all possible cases with false allegations. 

I have some questions on cross examination.

It may be a silly question, but i want to be clear on that. I have the below questions. So please reply me with your valueble suggestions.

1. What would be the outcome of the Cross Examination?

2. Even we have proofs for her false alligations, she wont agree to them and keep on saying that her allegations are true. In that case how to make her to admit on the truth?

3. what is the duty of the judge during cross examination?



 5 Replies

Originally posted by : Arjun

Hi Experts,

Wife has filed all possible cases with false allegations. 

I have some questions on cross examination.
What are those questions?

It may be a silly question, but i want to be clear on that. I have the below questions. So please reply me with your valueble suggestions.

1. What would be the outcome of the Cross Examination?
Purely astrological question.  You can pose this question to,

or related sites.

2. Even we have proofs for her false alligations, she wont agree to them and keep on saying that her allegations are true. In that case how to make her to admit on the truth?

You have to ask her nicely to admit the truth.

3. what is the duty of the judge during cross examination?

Duty? Why do you care about duty?  Dont you know duty of judge is to give judgement?


I have noticed few things here.  You know what to ask but you have not typed what you want to ask, this means either that,

a.  Aaj kuch jyada hogaya.

b. Kuch kaam nahi chalo kuch karte he. Par karna kya he?


Your mind is not in proper order.  Dont take matters of marriage and divorce to heart.  Be easy on yourself.  Dont lose focus.  whatever may be outcome of case, stay positive. If divorce is not got, go appeal in HC, pay money and take divorce.

Take care.

Arjun   16 February 2017

@ autohide4u,

Thank you sir for your suggestions.

I was in a confusion, "How to make her admit to the truth". 

Your answer has cleared my confusion.



1 Like

stanley (Freedom)     16 February 2017

The burden of proof lies upon her to prove the false allegations . If she is unable to prove the false allegations when it comes to evidence stage her case falls apart and it is your win win situtation . 

During cross examination the judge ( his clerk ) records in writing all that is orally stated by the witness . The judge than studies the petition .affidivat filed ,evidence and the cross taken,arguments  and based on this passes his judgement .

Arjun: Based on your posts it seems that you definitely need to hire a lawyer for your cross.

Arjun: Based on your posts it seems that you definitely need to hire a lawyer for your cross.

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