Please dont blame courts.What they can do? they decide based on evidence put before them in file. It has to be beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt. That is nprinciple of law and justice. Secondly no one should be punished unless proved guilty absolutely without any shred of doubt.
It is is failureof our corrupt and inefficnet system-our lawyers, our polcie and associated persons.
Polcie tempers with evidence , thye omit important points in FIR which is starting point of crminal justice.
They dont collect relevant and strong evidence
Witnesses arenot properly examined on oath
Even ceficates like medical reprot forensic testsaredelayed and tempered.
There are too many lawyers and too less judges. Whole system is overloaded. Forensic lab have few staff and they ARE TAKING 3 TO 10 YEARS TO GIVE REPORTS. Our lawyers associations , our judicial collagium our politcians like kejriwal and Modi all should feel ashamed and guilty. This fellow kejriwal has not appointed a single additinla judge till date .So is with Modi.
Justice dlayed is denied justice but guys like lalloo would like that . Even Modi would have been in jail instead PM offcie had our judcial system, honest and fast. Weneed not pretend this.Every one knows about that.
So those guys who areacquitted in womens laws are those who manage to temper evidenecs and beacsue polcie does not put up strong challan. Whatlady can do? She is anyway vulnerable
I met one lady recentl;y in saket delhi women court. Shge is IT employee very beautiful and young but was thrown out from home by her affluent husband. She has filed Domestic violencecomplaint. 5 dates weregone and even case was not admitted by magistrate who herself is on continuous maternity leave and relieving judge wont hear new case
The lawyer chartged her huge amount in advnacewhich is extortion and also Rs 4000/date which is outright abuse and fraud with her. She only works on internet prepares case points and givcen to her lawyer. Shame on our such bar members who openly cheat and do extortion
So it is betterwe dont comment on acquittals. It does not always mean complaint was false. It more likely means casde has been delayed and MANAGED by threats, manipualtion nand money power.