i have plots under my name but 7/12 uttara is in previous owner only,so is it necessary to transfer under my name,or leave it.
and what are the consequence will face if not transfer.
Isaac Gabriel (Advocate) 11 November 2018
suryabhan (medical ) 11 November 2018
stampduty is done under my name for all property.
suryabhan (medical ) 14 November 2018
any other option if i want to sell and get noc from my previous owner ?
suryabhan (medical ) 17 November 2018
i ask one lawyer and he is saying that we cannot make 4ghunta and 5 ghunta 7/12 under my name-cause its small part of plot.
But he will see any Zugad and let me know.
SO its true or he is telling Lie ??