All most each and every politician, minister, political party, government & public servant, judge, arbitrator, member of grievances cells, member of commissions and committees, police etc is always sold in each matter in the hands of corrupts, culprits, criminals, accused, mafias, anti-national elements, under world people, ISI agents, terrorist groups, rich people and corporate mafias as they are spreading money every where as they In India all most each and every politician, minister, political party, government & public servant, judge, police, arbitrator, member of grivences cells, member of commissions and government committees is always sold in every matter want to escape from their crimes and wrong doings. There is syndicate and collusion between them and therefore they save each other. Each and every person in the Government is made corrupt, criminal, vicious, full of evils and wrong doer by the ruleing political party since Independence.
Interferences of the Government, Ministers, Political Parties and Politicians in the matters of Judiciary, CBI and Police is well known fact. The appointment of the Governors are from ruling Political Party. This is an evil and vices. Immediate Constitutional Changes are required in which the Governors should be non politician. He/She should be Bold and Honest high ranked retired Judge of High Courts or Supreme Court or he/she should be retired high ranked person from army or professional institutions and the Judiciary and Police Department should in the hands of GOVERNORS only. Likewise CBI and Supreme Court should be in the hand of President but he/she should be non political person.
The President of India and Governors of the States must be non political person. Judiciary, CBI and Police Deparment must be only in their hands.