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Hari shankar   21 October 2017

Police inaction

Dear all, My brother was attacked by 4 people on 5th sep 2017 with the clear intension to murder. After missing pistol they use sharp weapons on his head ,which already declared in medical report. 1stly they put only 308,324 etc rather they should be making case by viewing medical report and fir under 307. After 1 month on 7 oct 2017 CO gives order to local police station to arrest them..accused are roaming freely..sometimes we called the police to inform about their whereabouts ,but after police only inform them and they run. They Also threatening by other means if we tend to act against them.police is involved to dillute the case and not caring about arresting them. What kind of action we should take now , We want to put 307, and we want to see them arrested as they are threatto our family. Please suggest...Is there any provision to writ against police at high court directly or we have to move thru lower court. Please advice.

 1 Replies

Jaspal singh (practicing lawyer)     21 October 2017

Dear Querist, you can file a protest petition against the police before the concerned court of metropolitian magistrate in this regard and also can file an application for status report ..a bit action of your side compeled the police officials concerned to arrest them. Regards Jaspal S Maini 9999987283

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