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Monish Nilwant (Lawyer)     29 June 2017

Police officer inquiry

i am getting a call from a person who pretends to be a police officer. The call is from a mobile number he saying he wants to interrogate me. Should i deny going to police station. or will i end up committing an offence in not co-operating with police.


 5 Replies

Sachin (N.A)     29 June 2017

Originally posted by : Monish Nilwant

i am getting a call from a person who pretends to be a police officer. The call is from a mobile number he saying he wants to interrogate me.

Should i deny going to police station. or will i end up committing an offence in not co-operating with police.


Let the police serve you the notice for the same.

Arjun Kohli   29 June 2017

Non-cooperation with the Police, when you are legally bound to do so is an offence but in your case, it is very vague and not certain that the person calling you is a Police officer. So indeed you can call up the local Police Station and enquire if you are actually required to appear or answer in any particular case or connection. You can also verify the identity of the caller, if he's indeed a Police Officer or not. 

Or you can just wait it out if and see if you're approached again, in a more official capacity, or you can request the same in writing the next time you receive any such call.

Mukesh sharma (job )     29 June 2017


first you wait if police sent you notice for same than take decision on this 

and if you have not doing offence than why you worried about same 


Kumar Doab (FIN)     29 June 2017

Usually the official numbers are used to make such calls.

Check with local PS.

If you are apprehensive entrust to your local counsels.


Otherwise impersonating as police official is not lawful.


Bespoke Legal (Advocate)     30 June 2017

You should receive a formal Summons for either Preliminary Investigation or as part of a lodged FIR. In which case you are bound to go. But just to be safe do the following:

Please write to the Sr. Inspector of Local Police Station and the Zonal DCP stating that you have received a call from _____ phone number by a person claiming to be a police officer and that you have not received any summons for investigation so they should investigate the matter and take appropriate action against such person whether he is a police officer or not.

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