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shruti   15 February 2015

Property case lawyers fee



This is to enquire about how much of fees do high court lawyers charge for a single hearing in ancestral property related issues? 


Currently lawyers who are handling the case and are demanding almost 75000 to 1 lakh as overall charges. According to them, they are charging somewhere like 5000 to 10000 per hearing. Could you kindly suggest us what is the nominal fee for a high court lawyer who deals with proper related issues, considering the fact that as per last hearing, the judge has suggested the lawyers to come with a final hearing date.


Also, when a final hearing is announced, does this prolong to more than 1 hearing in every case or is the final hearing supposed to be a single or maximum of two final hearings? Kindly clarify. As we really cannot afford paying anything more than 50000 including both lawyers, it would be very helpful if you could let us know the nominal charges for such property cases.




 2 Replies

Hormuz Maloo (na)     15 February 2015

There are all kinds of lawyers who pretty much charge whatever they want for whatever quality of service they feel like providing. Be open and outright and tell them what part of their fee structure you are not comfortable with. Nothing is engraved in stone. Negotiate with them.

Final hearing does not mean anything. The case can still last for any number of years, even decades. The judge suggesting that lawyers come up with a final hearing date does not mean much. Soon the judge will change and the matter may again remain unheard. If you have a fixed budget try to find the best lawyer within the amount and do not agree on per appearance fees. Unfortunately, most counsels will work only on per appearance basis. It is a certainty however, that you will end up spending a lot more than you think you will. 

If you agree to pay a lawyer per appearance, make sure that you pay him only for the days on which the matter is actually heard and proceeded with, or they will try and charge you even for the days on which the matter is simply adjourned. Some unscrupulous lawyers will even try and charge you for the days on which they themselves ask for an adjournment.



shruti   22 February 2015

Thank you for the kind response, sir. We will try to negotiate on the fees further.

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