Dear Sir / Madam ,
There was vacant land which used as Water well before 1990s and there after it was closed . Case was conducted between US and Person who sold property to us on ownership of water well where while selling property to us he have mentioned that we have right over Water well for usages. Court given judgement in favour of us by year 2005 and case was conducted between 1996 to 2005 . My grand father passed away 10 yrs back who is owner of our house and have share on water well . My grand father lost judgement copy and lawyer who handled case also passed away . Now heir of person who sold property to us , who run case aganist owership of water well wants to take complete right of water well which is closed 30 yrs back and now stand as Vacant plot which measures 3000 sqft and valued at 1 cr . As we dont judgement or anything other records expect case number which my grand written on his diary . We know case number and year but nothing else details we could not get . Case run in dist court E court service website also not showing records and when we enquiry in court also no proper response . Kindly guide us how to get Judgement Copy ( case filed on 1996 and judgement on 2005 as recall from my grand mother memory)
Till now local people use this land as common area which is another issue to clear them .