I am talking about the muslim property in Andhrapradesh. In Andhrapradesh MRO Issues Pattadhar passbook & Property owners book for agriculture land
"A" & "B" are husband & wife. They Both have 4 sons "W", "X","Y","Z" and 2 daughters "P"&"Q" .
"A" purchased 5acers land in 1948,...
In 2006 "A" expired. Mandal Revenue Officer transfered Pattadhar passbook & Property owners book from the name of "A" to "B" for the total 5 acers as she is next legal heir.
In 2008 "B", "W", "X","Y","Z" ,"P","Q" all together executed partition deed but not registered. Its Just on stamp paper. Few are signed and some are thumb impression. But everyone participated.
The "Z", daughters "P"&"Q" got their share in the form of cash. but not the land.
In 2010 "Z" made an agreement with "L" (hiding the partition deed issue) saying he had one acer of share by putting thumb impression("Z" is illitrate)
In 2011 "B","W","X","Y" sold total 5 acers to "M"
Now "L" has gone to the court asking for decreer against "Z".
Now "Z" says i didn't made agreement.
My question here is
1) Do the court have rights to register the land in favour of "L" where "Z" is not holding any property on his name.?
2) Do the Court registers the land in favour of "L" with out looking whether "Z" is owner or not.?
3) what is the status of "M" who purchased the land(Reg sale deed exeuted) whether he has to loose one acer or not?
4) Pls suggest "Z" what to do next.
I am posting this on behalf of "M" and "Z". consider "Z" will listen to do what ever "M" says.