The saying goes: 'Thorn is removed by a thorn'. Thus, fact that multiple factors caused independence is not disputed. But, there were multiple thorns. Some thorns got removed by set of vices. Some other thorns got removed by some other set of vices. INA, its protogonist, Bose etc did play role model in their own hemishpheres. Colonial rule created traps for others to fall and got caught in its own traps after sometime and could not raise beyond that.
Hungerstrike is wayward different from satyagraha: Upwas, Salt etc.
It is better for India to have specific ways akin to itself. India need not have to follow America. Factually, Indian philosophies are mightier, productive than American wars. India is a superpower even today. While you are aware of cures for ailments, I will be able to talk enough about what is called as 'Preventive medicines' i.e. cure even before the ailment blows up. India has mastered in other fields as well. We are today aware of techniques to catch a thief after he burgles, a murderer after he murders. But, India specialises in what is called 'Preventive crime techniques' . You will not see the criminal surface at all. He will be neutralised at his own zone of comfort and not turn him to be rebel as what the current system provokes. He will be happy, would be targets will be happy, neutrals (i.e. you, me, he, she, it, they, mountains, rivers, countries irrespective of religion, caste, language....) will be at peace. This applies for many other professions too. India never had police stations. India was amongst the richEST of countries. How? Why? My friend, factors, parameters, livelihood technologies enabled such glories. They are definitely possible. Yes.
Anna ji is a satyagrahist. The cause he espoused is a meaningful need. I think a strong Lok Pal should be carved, but should not create even a single post that will be/turn to be a burden for the common pool after some days. Design techniques will fill such lacunae. It should catch corrupt people, prove their crime, dismiss them, their post and take that post for the would be statutory body/its wings all across wherever it becomes applicable.