Kindly consider this issue-
X is the petitioner in a revision procedings before the public authority of Disrict Rvenue Officer. An interim order is passed without noltice to S . the respondent. This is challenged before the High Court in a Writ proceedings and interim order of status quo is obtained aganist the DRO,RDO ,District Surveyer and X who are respondents in WP.
In his counter affidavit filed in the WP and for petition to vacat the order of status quo, X avers that the proceedings before the DRO is for the sake of one C . that is he is proxi for C and hence rthe proceedinsg is proxi. C has not empowered X with any power of atorney.
Is the proceedings before the DRO by X in proxi valid and if not can it be quahsed by a Wri Petition? ,.
Help by giving auhtoirties of Court decision , if such proxi proceedings before public authorties can be quahsed. by Writ Petioon