I never assumed / presumed things. I have said Truth/False will be decided in court.
Actions taken by the girl to put her man in JAIL is LOVE (or) HATRED ? U urself tell to the whole world !
Or let the people in the Forum decide.
Wife when she is growing at some point of time is treated to some form of abuse in her paternal home....Is'nt it true in Indian culture there are some restrictions...RULES adopted by DAD need to follow.....etc etc...There would have been quarrells with PARENTS, SIBLINGS, RELATIVES......Fights between SIBLINGS.....At that point of time why does'nt women go and file a case against her OWN RELATIVES.........!
Think in your own case if these incidents have had occurred........If u r true to urself u admit.......
If u go to a restaurant and if you don't like food...u ll defo convey ur feedback to the cook...
If your mother fails to put salt in ur food ....U ll be the 1st one to tell that Coz u wont eat unsated verssion of food....So u ll point it out to ur mother...
So whats wrong if shes been told about more/less sugar in tea ...Taunting is not correct but whenever there is imbalance and if pointed is OK...
creating points in girls mind to take some serious action........ OMG......If you take it in thats sense then i dont know how many in here wd support you. !
BEATING WIFE : Totally unjust act. But what was the background behind this episode.....U never highlighted that........Victims can do anything to provoke and this is how crime occurs.....He is an adult when he married you and if he had mental problems we can understand his act...But if he is normal man and goes to that extent then defo there has to be something wrong..........Also he has brains to think what he has to do and what not.....So PLS elaborate on why did the husband beat the women ??????