Hello distinguished gentlemen and women of this forum.
i had taken a personal loan in 2007 and defaulted in 2010 due to the recesation and closure of my business, I comunicated to the bank my intention to clear the balance at a discounted amount since i had some saving to do so, They refused to do so and in mar 2010 sent me a legal notice, since i was already in dificulty i over saw this issue and did not respond to the notice. now after 5 years and no comunication from there side a person claiming to be there recovery agent threatened me to payup, immediatly i filed a case in the local police station they filed a civil case, I also wrote a email to the bank about this harresment, after this the agent was called to the police station to give a statement. the agent constantly calling me and coerce me to give the payment and my address..
i request your knowledge and experties in this matter.
1) as per the law the loan is time barred!(over 5years)
2) can they file suit now using security chq(not blank)
3) can i get a injunction against the bank to prevent further harresment?
4) does sending a email of the harsment canel the limitation.
My intention is to pay my dues but the way the banks are break the law with impunity we need to stand up and uphold the law.
Thank you