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R Muralidharan (Accounts Consultant)     30 August 2011

Refusal to pay by incumbant office bearers

Ex Secretary of an Association of residents welfare, incurred in his tenure some expenses for the benefit of the residents like procuring of water tankers for the consumption of members.  Practice has been to buy water on credit and pay the bills subsequantly. 

Incumbant office bearers refused to pay the bills submitted for the expenses incurred during the tenure of ex-secretary.

What is the legal remedy available for the ex-secretary who had to icnur finanical loss on his person.

A draft legal notice will be highly appreciated.


 3 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     30 August 2011

Refer your state's co-operative state act, because civil suit is barred by a member of the society against the society.

R Muralidharan (Accounts Consultant)     05 September 2011


thanks for the reply.  is there any other legal provisions like attracting breach of trust.


The supplier of water tanker should sue the society not the ex-secretary, as the water supply was for the benefit of common masses. It is not the liability of the ex secretary.

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