It is important to understand the concept of Will.
Since your grandmother was the owner of the property therefore only she had the right to transfer the property in name of any person.
Now after the death of the grandmother the property was never transferred in name of a grandfather, therefore your grandfather never became the owner of the property and he had no right of transferring the said property in anybody's name.
Now in reference to a dispute between a registered Will and unregistered will, the registered will shall prevail over and above the unregistered will.
If it is proved that both the beer original signatures then the last will of the grand mother, whether registered or not shall prevail.
In case you understand that the very prepared by your uncle is a fake will then you can get FIR registered against the uncles for the Forgery of valuable security.
Once the FIR is registered then the matter will be investigated by the Police and the genuineness of the WILL automatically be proved.
Registered documents are not accepted as fake documents until and unless the contrary is proved by the person making the claim for being fake.