Can the Jury system be stored?
Pros and Cons?
N.Dharmeshwaran (pensioner) 27 September 2011
Can the Jury system be stored?
Pros and Cons?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 27 September 2011
As per consititution of India, there is no possibility of bringing back the same judicial system as was seen during British regime.
N.Dharmeshwaran (pensioner) 27 September 2011
Why should Constitution stand in the way
if the Jury system improves the quality
of Justice,malkes up for any lacuna on
the routine legal procedure?
I understand that in US, they are
hazy about Capital punishment
for want of eggective and forceful
legal representation for the
Manav Kalia (Arguing my own cases..) 01 October 2011